Improvement of knowledge collaboration
– Meaningful use of knowledge reflecting your value creation

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Mapping of documentation tools
We provide you with an overview of the tools you are using and how well they are helping you in your work

Mapping of journaling pathways
We follow your journaling pathways through interviews, observations, and conversations to qualify our counselling and proposals for adjustments

We will be giving feedback from our work continuously through conversations and at workshops

Anchoring of new collaboration routines
. We will be following up with management counselling and development of new collaboration routines
Knowledge collaboration that creates value for citizens
Documentation and journaling should never disturb a professional focus on creating value for citizens or the use of documentation as a knowledge base in day-to-day knowledge collaboration.
The idea of looking at your organization through routines and pathways for knowledge collaboration is to strengthen the routines of the organization to support employees in using their professional judgement. We can help improving your knowledge collaboration, among other things by checking and adapting the documentation tools you are already using. Most organizations will benefit from a screening of their knowledge collaboration and will realise both financial, professional, and value-based gains.
This is how we will be improving your knowledge collaboration